
The problem at this moment is not multiboxing.

The problem is :
-1 noone makes the actual rules enforced, even when someplayer is multi boxing with 5 alts thuss 6 in total.
-2 the same players use BOTS to control other alts (dont make us laugh with "assisted control" or alike.

If you can't see the problem of having people using 4 alts in a game where most players don't have alt or only 1 (but this is a problem too). I can't do anything for you.
if you can't see the difference between multiboxing and botting... so do I. If the actual rule is not enforced what will happen with a stricter one?

I am not talking about botting here. In my previous posts in this thread I had talked with Magez about why I see multiboxing as boxing and we agreed about the semantic error.
But here in my statement, I don't talk about botting at all. And it's not because in the post I quoted it mentioned BOTS and multiboxing hat I want to talk about bots.
You fucking read what you want. I don't even know why I'm answering to someone that don't know how to read.
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