Attacking Cities of atys

It wouldnt be forced PvP. if you were to leave main cities can not be attacked. this could also bring strategy when wanting to take OPs For example:

A desert Guild wants to declair on a lakes guild. You can attack a City and now have an advange and a easier way to trek mounts with less chance on Aggro killing all your packers and mounts.

I dont see 1 guild/ faction owning all the citys or making them all PvP zones. this can also open up for guilds to fight without Always having to Declair on OPs to get a Fight. Alot of people will say we have the Arena's for PvP but who other than mara's want to do without any rewards? it can also open up Guilds for new rewards like Being able to buy stuff for PvP/ allowing guild to buy Marauder Crystal or plans with guild points.
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Last visit Thursday, 23 May 13:09:30 UTC

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