
KipeeCraft 1.2 released

KipeeCraft 1.2 is here!

I wanted to finish the pre 1.2 version several years ago and finally release it as 1.2, that's why this version got the nickname "Soon(tm) Edition" ;-) This release focuses mostly on bugfixes and improvement of usability with some minor tweaks to program layout and the introduction of a few small tools. I touched a lot of (ancient) source code during the past weeks, so a bug or two could still be in there... The program might also get eaten by your anti virus software because it is a new file downloaded from the net (happened on my own system, thanks avast!). Please report any bugs you encounter or suggestions you might have here in this thread or send me a message.

What else is new?

The Postcraft Formula Manager! A new helper to manage the textfiles and check for any errors / missing formulas. You can edit the files directly in the integrated editor and also create templates for missing ones. Recipes with a complete set of formulas appear green in the tree overview, partly filled appear yellow and missing files appear in red. I included example postcraft files for many items taken directly from this thread KipeeCraft needs volunteers / testers to add postcraft formulas, a big thanks to bunny tools and everyone who contributed.

Database Statistics / Details! Just a small tool to verify / check your database. I might add more to it in the future.

Interface improvement of the Jeweler and Evolver tools! Those tools were originally only for personal use and not for a public release, hence the layout and description is lacking. I tried to rearrange elements and be more specific in descriptions and naming about each feature and function. This is an ongoing process and I hope this answers many of the questions I get regarding those tools.

To migrate your old version to 1.2 just copy your kc.ini file and your Recipe directory over to the new one (and your Databases, if you made any changes to it). Please refer to the Changelog for a complete list of changes since the last release.

Where can I get it?

You can download the latest version at the official homepage at mollylovescake.de/kipeecraft or use the official mirror at box.com. KipeeCraft is distributed as zip, 7zip archive and as self extracting archive.

The new version sucks!

It might behave different so you could be interested in a previous version. I started putting older versions in the beta directory, so have a look! I even included one of the first versions of KipeeCraft from 2006! You can download those from here http://www.mollylovescake.de/kcbeta/

Does it run on Windows 10?

Yes it does!

Does it run on Linux / Mac OS?

KipeeCraft is a native Win 32 Application, it needs the help of another tool called "wine" from the Wine Project. Once you have set it up, KipeeCraft runs really nice on those systems aswell. See the homepage at mollylovescake.de/kipeecraft for more details.

Special Thanks

Thanks to everyone who helped and encouraged me to continue with the project!

Please contact me for questions, bugs and suggestions - you can reach me via mail (Feedback link on the page or inside KC) or post in this thread.



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Last visit Mittwoch 5 Juni 09:58:32 UTC

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