
Ryzom Forge Public Meetings agendas & reports

Je pense que les réunions ne se font pas le dimanche car le dimanche est le moment privilégié pour les event ou n'importe quelle rencontre informelle entre joueur sur atys (OP, réunion entre joueur etc). Donc oui, c'est dommage que les réunions ryzom forge ne se fassent pas un dimanche, mais si c'était le cas, ça bloquerait un créneau pour le reste.

Thank you for actually addressing the complaint instead of ignoring it or insulting me or simply censoring me. That's more respect than I've got in a while.

I would bring the scheduling up at a Forge meeting if it were possible for me to do so, but this thread is really my only chance to have any input.... or so I thought.

While Sunday may be a special day, I think that RL jobs are more important than in-game events. The implication that OP battles and socializing are more important than including anyone more than a time zone or two from the server is a bit demeaning. It sends a message that non-EU players are, at best, second-class. My thought was that by moving the meetings to a time when all could attend, Ryzom could be a bit more inclusive.

But the last few responses I got (other than your's) indicate that the exclusion of others is intentional. Being told to stop trolling, or simply having my words deleted is no accident.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

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Last visit sábado 21 septiembre 01:24:54 UTC

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