More Storage

Things have changed recently ... with all the events and special Xmas, Halloween, Easter, etc items ... the collectors among us, it would be convenient to to have a space to "virtually" store these items.

This could be done simply by having a separate storage space for event items ... or just by the post event patch setting the Item Bulk to 0.  The virtual storage space could have a cooldown such that if you want to "bring it out of your storage" locker... you have to wait X number of days.

Personally, I'm fine with the game's storage options.  I use two storage alts but they don't have apartments or packers.   They are only for guild storage.

One holds mats commonly used standard like a) TGIS mats for HA sets ... SMGV mats for LA s... standard polnts jools ... exe zun and  the crappy amp mats amp fiber and bark mats .... Excess cats / flowers are stored there ....

Every 6 months or so will make 20 sets of HP / Focus LA ... a dozen exe amps and put them in the 2nd storage GH.  When a guild does their periodic mass craft day where they aim for boosts and then don't have room in their GH for the non-boosts and degrades, when lucky enough to be around on the receiving end of their spring cleaning, these go in there.

On the personal storage level .... Im not much of a hoarder.   I lost all my nostagic stuff in merge ... and Im not inclined to save the rewards from Silan.   If I have 1 better than the other, the other gets tossed or given away.  Not one to have a series of "outfits"  ...  don't give  a hoot about how toon looks.   But as others are into collecting, or "Vogueing" as the song goes, a distinction has or at least should be made between what one needs and what one is just afraid of making a decision on what to throw away.   Do you really need those Level 170 sups, you save back when you were level 150 ?  

Are they resouces or clutter ?  I have to go thu GH as, for reasons i can't understand ... we have partial sets of armor and jools that I have to dump quarterly.   If ya can't seem to let go of clutter, and just don't want to part with anything,  just in case .... well there's a 12 step program for that :)

One can only really use one set of any particular gear at a time and there's plenty of storage for that ... there's plenty of storage for a backup ... or 2.  If you just have to keep things because you are a collector and want to pull them out occasionaly like easter bonnets, thats a horse of a different color.

Virtual storage where you could put stuff away "in the attic" where it was in a separate tab and where everything had 0 bulk, would I think satisfy most.  Your event related (i.e. Atysmas) gear would automatically (if checkbox checked) be moved to bag when next year's event started and back out when it ended... if ya didnt have the room, the popup would say you don't have the room just as when doing a player exchange.  No craft mats in virtual storage.

As to simply increasing what we have now, I have mixed feelings ... really don't care one way of the other for myself.  However ... after watching folks grinding jools with sup zun pre-merge because they had 10k and might as well use it up ... and 1 man guilds with 40,000 Sups, I understand the logic of why a limit exists..... to inhibit hoarding.

It's a topic that has come up many times and there's been many threads over the years.    Whether it gets on the list or doesn't would seem to depend on the popularity of the proposal # for versus # against and how that measures up against the dev's vision for the game.  That fact that it keeps coming back indicates an issue that some folks feel strongly about.  The fact that it hasn't been implemented, tells another story.

Virtual storage for event gear and collectables and such... it's something that I  would support ... likely would not use as have little need atm.   But years down the road when there 1 new halloween weapon and differnt armor sets and lingerie, I could see it coming in handy.  More storage so I can store 8 sets of focus and 8 sets of dig LA ... 4 sets of sup HA plus the mats to make 40 more... nah, let other folks have a chnace to get some.

i think virtual storage is a nice middle ground that bothn PoVs could live with.


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