
Live and Let Dig.

Azazor translated by Zarden
As this topic is now turning slowly in a trial of Les Larmes, I allow myself to, sliglhtly, defend them.

I don't know what each player from Les Larmes think. But for Azazor, Les Larmes are a group of mercenaries in charge of balancing power between homins. They are generally supporting the weaker faction (hence why the KaLaMar alliance). And to support, you have to fight. It is very border line with the ranger precepts that says that fighting against homins should be an exception. But that's all the richness of this guild, to play with limits...

We could also imagine that being rangers is only a facade to them which is in fact hiding :
- a guild linked to the trytonists, at least for the higher ranked ones. That could explain why they tend to fight more and behave like they do, having to adapt to the current power balance.
- a guild of pure blood mercenaries who mislead the rangers and in this case, that should be denonced to the ranger council. But this should be done in a RP manner. And then it belongs to the council to decide whether or not should be banned from the rangers because of their behavior. If Les Larmes decide to play that game and to defend their RP, let's be it. Otherwise, that's a pity, but we can't force players into RP (even if a part of me would enjoy it, héhé).

I can imagine that most of Les Larmes players are not really involved in RP, they're not trying to always behave according to it. But as I am (or at least I try...), I'm trying to adapt my vision to their behaviour to turn it into something RP. We can't force people to play RP. So if we do, le best thing to do is to try good RP reasons to other's behaviour.

[EN]Thanks Azazor for these words of wisdom, they make perfect sense to me and fits to the principles I try to promote in my guild.

Our path is not easy and many people have a hard time understanding it... but there's little we can do for that, we have learned to live with it!

[FR]Merci Azazor de ces paroles pleines de sagesse, tu touches dans le mille et décrits parfaitement les principes que j'essaye de promouvoir au sein de ma guilde.

Notre route n'est pas simple et peu de gens la comprennent... mais on n'y peux pas grand chose et on a appris à faire avec!
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