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Ulu, the thing is by pushed the first changes it just looks like nobody has acknowledge (or think maybe) of the real impact it will have in-game.
Pushing a big changes (which seemed very unbalanced) and then adjust it step by step is not a very nice way for doing this kind of things.
As I already said it multiples times: you should not rush for Jena patch but take a bit of more time to design/implement/test the actual thing and make a bigger patch when everything is ready.

I couldn't agree more. I would much rather have less frequent patches if the patches were better balanced. Slower patches are fine, especially if you pair them with a little communication, like telling us about how things are progressing every once in a while. I have seen this in other games, too - slow patches are fine, it's the silence that causes the community to grow uneasy.



Explorer, storyteller, universalist, fighter for freedom and equality.

"Without contraries, there is no progression" - William Blake
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Last visit jueves 6 junio 15:21:13 UTC

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