
Ryzom Forge Public Meetings agendas & reports

Honestly, a lot of the anger from the community could be prevented if we got frequent updates from the dev team,

I completely agree with this. There is a complete lack of communication between the deve team and the player base. I truly belve there would be less people rage quitting and quitting there subs if there was more communication.
Like say some days ago, changes on mission will be done step by step, hard to balance it correctly in a single shot.

We are working on it, and will apply some fixes soon.

About craft mission, the way to give dappers are different than all other missions.
The missions give the cost in dappers of the crafted items. So to adjust that we need change it, calculate the cost of each items and apply a bonus.
But will not enough, since some missions ask to craft 1 ammo.. for sure we can't reward this missions with 100k of dappers. So, some missions must be adjusted into objetives too.

About replay timer, since we can't change each mission one by one we have apply a formula to calculate the cooldown based on the reward. We will rework the formula to have something more easy like for example 10h, 15h, 20h or 30h and not X hours and Y mins

Thank you for the update. It's greatly appreciated.


~ Ranger Aspirant ~ Officer of Fluffy Bunnies ~ Generally Mischievous ~
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