Balance Teleporting and Trekking (version A)

I believe that this is another case of good intentions gone bad. You are correct about it being hard for any game to be entertaining for a long time. That's why I cannot agree with you on some points you bring up. It boils down to the fact that those of us who have been in the endgame for years have found ways to keep it entertaining and you are proposing something that would detract from or eliminate our enjoyment. You can read the details, or skip right to the last paragraph for the TL:DR version.

Some of us like doing things other than walking. I consider not having being able to do anything fun enough to bother logging in to be pretty much the polar opposite of "not much harm". Suppose that I am just logging in and my friends say, "Hey, Jukoo is up!". Would you rather I have fun with my friends and enjoy Ryzom, or apologize for not being able to make the trek before I have to log off and get ready for work the next day? Even cutting a two-hour trek to the other side of the rootball down to 30-45 minutes by allowing me to TP between capitols and only schlep across one region would pretty much put the kibosh on me hanging with my friends. And no, moving closer to them is not really an option as many of us hang in multiple circles; the only way it would be feasible is if every homin on Atys lived in one city.

You also overlook that many of us have tales to tell from places we've been hundreds/thousands of times already. While the word may seem exciting to the newcomers, there will come a point where the entire map is mundanely well-known because we've explored it all repeatedly multiple times again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. Sure, having a Great Kincher come at you may seem real exciting the first few times, but after the 893rd time they are more tedious than entertaining. By about the 5,914th time, it's an outright annoyance, not an adventure. Traveling simply does not breath life into a game world that you already know as well as many of us know it. Those of us who stay here beyond a few months do so for reasons other than travel; we are about destinations. Maybe it's the mats needed for new gear, maybe it's to meet up with their friends, but the real fun does not happen until after the traveling is over.

You're also overlooking the amount of hunting that goes on that would not be feasible (or, for some of us, even possible) without TPs. Given that hunting is one of the few things that keeps end-gamers from quitting the game, do you really want to take that away? Do you really want to make Ryzom like a single-player campaign in which there is nothing to do once you get your first Master?

Simply put, you cannot make a community by smashing people together and saying, "Okay children, make friends!". It really does not work that way. Trying to force the issue only makes it worse. You can get people to quit because it's all walking and swatting pests, but that's not good. You can get people to quit by changing the game they love into something they no longer love, but those changes had better bring in more players than they lose if the game is to survive. You can force people who have a history of animosity to be in the same location until one or the other decides it's just not fun. But that's about it. I applaud your efforts, but fear that the collateral damage is simply not worth risking for the small chance that it may buck tons of historical precedent and actually work out the way you think it will.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

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