Balance Teleporting and Trekking (version A)

I would also add this bit:

Over time, I have talked to several players, many of whom have left the game by now. A common thread and complaint about the world is this: yes, Atys is a large planet, sure ... but it is also devoid of interesting stuff to do.

Regions can be quite repetitive, and while the change of seasons does bring a little variety in mob composition and foliage, said variety has no real end (or substance). And with that, lots of regions are quite useless, filled with the kind of "content" too few are interested in.

Take Nexus, for example. Why should one bother to visit it, except to hunt the bosses? It used to have supreme materials, now it doesn't .. the risk to get ganked isn't offset by anything. Why would anyone visit the obscure parts of Outlaw Canyon? There isn't anything of interest there. Why would anyone care to explore the better part of Knot of Dementia, except to trek and/or find bosses? etc etc

So, in this light ... let's review the initial proposition: "make teleportation harder, so that people go sightseeing more". Well, if over time you have talked to enough players, you will know that players don't often find value in sightseeing. Especially not if done in a forced manner.

While we don't have rewarding missions and/or dynamic/random events ... there is little point talking about changes to teleportation, imho.


My home is always sweet Yrkanis..
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