Discussion around "Outpost Refactoring"

Yes yes, whatever :)

First, you are preaching a converted (this game good, and it is also a waste in my opinion).

Guys don't feel insulted or anything right, but you need to see what Ryzom is for real, and the reality of the game business and clients expectation in 2019 (modern era).
Where even retro game need to be intouch and is matter to surf on.

That all, it is not against you personally.

Glad you are hooked to this game and its really nice but it lack interest for thousands reasons and it is proved.
If you are retired or under linux, it could be a cheap solution to ease your mind in a (not so)mmo(not so)rpg :P

Until the day we have 500(+) players on the server, it is the reality, and ill be glad this day to backup this comment ;)


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Last visit Wednesday, 5 June 18:05:45 UTC

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