The story of a lonely craftsman

Part 1
Another outdoor day. I think I fell asleep on a Stinga once again after a few Lakeland beers too much. Pah, how the green stuff stinks! Fortunately there is a lake in the winds of the muses. Yes, now you're wondering how you can sink so low, what? Oh what I'll tell you. It can never get any worse. I came from the old lands, like everyone who wanted to find great happiness on Atys. Everyone enthused about it. But of course there was no mention that you had to do something for it. This strange blue guy in green clothes is talking to me. By the way, the Zorai have no taste for clothes. It looked that way, you. You don't believe that. Like an oversized blue tryker with fur. I just thought: "Great! That starts already well here...". Then he sent me to a Zorai who, you won't believe it, takes a nap! At work! What a clean band here. One has no style, the other is sleeping. Well then, the saying is true: "If there is a Zorai, the work lies fallow". Even meditating standing up, I was told. Well then. So I'm supposed to learn a profession. And then all the eggs started. Do this, do that! Homin to Jena, I need a pickaxe and a place to dig. Good that there was also a female tryker. Brain from heaven, she has character and that not only in her head, if you understand. I actually did everything twice as fast as she expected. All these frowzy tasks at the beginning were super easy. Then I should dig materials at the javings. She's not really ticking, the old lady! I did not fall on my head and look for another place... Javings *Yber show*. Collect the plunder and off to Milles. It was thought that I had been digging at the Javings. But well, sometimes silence is worth its weight in gold. The next tasks were easy, but I tell you, I still feel the calf cramp from running today! Exploring the old throne room of the Matis was easier than I thought, everywhere these stupid gingos lingered. I tell you a plague! The Cholorgoos bandit I then still ruined their sniffing goo. I would have liked to have seen the visages. Well, actually I wanted to tell you how I got drunk and dozed off on a stinga outside, and how it came to that... well, you already know that I am a real babbler. When you come back tomorrow, I'll tell you the whole story. Word of honour ;-) *Finger cross*
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