

Can someone please tell me what exactly is Role Playing, in a Ryzom Context? I thought it was just behaving and talking as if you were really living in Atys. I think now this is probably a very simplistic impression. There must be forum discussions about this, just send me a link.

I don't think you will found a forum discussion about it Jorgie.
As Placio says there are as much interpretation of what RP is than there a RPer in Ryzom.
RP is acting basically as your toon living on Atys will do.
But your toon has not magically appeared on Atys. She has grown with or without parents, been teached by an older and so on. So she will act with the others with prejudice related to his education.
If you want to be really immersive, you can design behaviors and thoughts for Jorgensen and act like that.
It's a very good way to get into RP.
But I think what old players are speaking about is what was at the beginning of the game. Power of factions was very much important and history was really written by the factions behavior.
Politic was a living thing.
They really write tryker constitution for an exxample. (that's why it is not totally written on the other side ;) )
In the mind of some of the old players, server fusion reduced dramatically this historical progression of Atys. And I think it is this, that they are missing. Very directive leaders (most of them vere NPCs), nationalist behaviors and so on.
I'm also a too young player to have known these behaviors and I think a peaceful Atys is not a bad thing, but I can understand their way of thinking and their missing of the impression that your actions are really changing the course of history.


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille
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