
Around Channel Demystified (C?)

no no, those conventions are not just about "some friend people around me". Event team members themselves use it.
...except when they don't. I too have seen event teams use Around, but I've also seen them create channels or use other channels. The fact that the event teams themselves use different methods tells me that there are multiple acceptable ways... and also no real consistent convention.
Sometimes, i'm asking myself if we all play the same game. Looks like, no.
When I worked night shift and could only play at hours that matched up with European afternoon/early evening, it was a completely different world from the Atys I know. The difference between 0200-0700 UTC Ryzom and 1600-2100 UTC Ryzom is as night-and-day as you would expect going from night to day.
Thus, the around channel is naturally used for roleplay interactions. It would be good if 2 lines state that when the game start, with a link to learn more.
It's also naturally used for other reasons. Having a separate channel would stop a lot of the problems caused by the current single channel that we cannot seem to agree on what it's for.
Those 2 lines won't bother you nor force you to do something.
...except that if you use the channel for non-RP differently from how others use it then you'll catch flak from those of differing opinions, leading to the sort of strife and conflict that I personally would like to avoid. I mean, you are theoretically correct, but reality doesn't always match theory.
There is no issue here, just helpful constructive comments about an idea made to live better together.
Only issue is the one you create unfortunately very often.
If my failure to agree wholeheartedly and without reservation that this is a good idea with no changes whatsoever is "an issue" then so be it. Let us address it head-on.

Simply put, I feel that your idea is very well-intended and quite simple to implement, but would also not achieve the desired goal. A goal that you and I share. As we share a common goal yet I doubt the effectiveness of your proposal, I offered an alternative idea. Is that an issue? I hope not, or else there is no possibility of ever having constructive discourse.

My take is that if your idea were implemented earlier, then the flaws in it would've been exposed earlier, non-RPers would still be using Around the way they do now, and we still would've had a conversation about the purpose of the Around channel. The only real difference is that we are having that conversation now instead of years ago.

« The road to hell is paved with good intentions. »

- Proverb

Now tell me, what would be so horrible about adding a separate Roleplay channel? The only downside I see is that a small minority would have to click a different chat tab than the one that they are used to. Can you offer a little constructive criticism on my idea?


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

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Last visit Четверг, 13 Июня 13:20:31 UTC

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