Lore & Chronicles

Tales and Legends of Atysmas

Song by Krill - Atysmas Storytelling Assembly in Jena Year 2586 (2015-12-20)

Song (Tune: Jolly Old Saint Nicholas)

It is the beer of Atysmas,
Which have all homins singing,
From Fairhaven to Avendale,
From crepuscule untill morning.
And when a barrel is empty,
This song can be heard in the night…

My Santa Ba’Naer,
We really need more beer.
You know, we are real Trykers,
Not yubos, we don’t drink water.

True, it is tasting good,
And it is drunk quite well,
The beer you serve for Atysmas,
You could say it’s exceptional.

But you’re pushing it a bit too much,
It is not worth such a price!
Ok, we’ll have a last round of it,
But you’ll have to stand the next one.

My Santa Ba’Naer,
We really need more beer.
You know, we are real Trykers,
Not yubos, we don’t drink water.
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Last visit Friday, 14 March 00:25:40 UTC

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