jumping into a prime roots sap lake restores your sap.


In earlier times, all the races had a bartering system for trading goods, the Trykers of the Old Lands were the first to notice that this system could be unfair through intimidation. They soon developed a monetary system based on dappers. Dappers quickly spread to the other lands and became a universal currency and is still widely used in the New Lands.

Dappers were originally made from pearls bound in a sap-based substance. The presence of counterfeit dappers soon began to flood the markets though and the homin high authorities decided to make use of magic during the minting process, which made it much harder to counterfeit dappers.
Les dappers sont des perles reliées par une substance à base de sève pour plus de résistance. Aujourd'hui, ils sont infusés de magie lors de leur création, afin d'éviter que des faux ne soient créés.

Dappers - Ryzom Wiki


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