Respawn Point At GoC: Make it a reality:

Dear all,

it used to be the case that there was, a terrible according to me, but good according to some, excuse that GoC shouldn't have a respawn portal because "it did not connect to anything".

First argument: With the opening of the passage to Silan this argument simply falls back on its track and collapses.A respawn Portal should be added at the GoC area; exactly where the Passage to Silan starts. Reason? Symmetry. (Even Almati has a respawn point if u die for crying out loud). So; score 1 in favor of the portal. (And this reason is borrowed form the phil of science literature).

Second argument: The portal in starting villages also do not connect to anything; but no-one seems to really care. Of course they do not; because they are there out of convention; to make the passage and transition of anyone wanting to enter the capitals easier. But they are there because of convention. So convention is there. For convention therefore; a respawn point should be added to GoC; again at the passage to Silan entry point. So: Score 2 in favor of the portal; by employing convention. (Reason follows from above)

Third argument: Okay; I admit; this is the weakest of the three; and it should be. Fairness and Balance. It makes literally ZERO sense; balance and fairness wise; for all q250 areas to have a respawn point and our beloved GoC not having one. It's unbalanced, it's unfair; it's a travesty!

So, to recapitulate: From 1) Symmetry, from 2) Convention, from 3) Fairness and Balance: For the love of Ma-Duk: Add a respawn portal to GoC where the Passage to Silan was introduced.




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