Temporary Insanity

Sat Dec 12:

Last night We Helped our Allies the Crafting Junkies attack Font porch Outpost
we were definetly ready for this one and the great work and discipline showed
during our attack. As usual and as expected some "friendly' banter occurred from
both sides. Nothing Big just the usual.

The Defence Round is already set and this time we are going to be there with
full Force. Big Kudos to all the Karavans that came ready to Fight, you all Fought
Valiantly. Am sure we will meet soon again on the Battlefield.

Also later Tonight we will have our Marauder Hunt, so we will have a rather busy
and eventfull day. Ill keep you posted on the next Update later on tonight.

Almost forgot to tell you the Firewine festival starts today Sat 12 at 16 GMT
there will be PvP competitions, Races and Prizes to the contestants and much
more. Come Join us and have fun with us.


Am the Lizard King......... I can do Anything
Temporary Insanity Complaint Department Officer
Bring your own Tissues
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