
Ryzom Forge Public Meetings agendas & reports


"Nexus Reloaded" project

Ulukyn (Dev)
The following concerns the Game Design team freshly formed a few weeks ago.
We entrusted him with the task of working on the "Nexus Reloaded" project. This is a medium-term project that will restore interest in the area. First because there will be a camp of vile marauders very close and then because we will put back some lvl 200 sup (with a light different to what existed at the beginning)
We wanted to make the area interesting for players by giving it a larger PvP dimension.
Will have sup mats of each nation according to the season.

Q: It stays in PVP zone? And materials in different spots?
A: Full PVP. At the start we'll try half random, then fully random.
At the start we'll have spots and we'll mix the mats: where a season zun spawns on a spot, on other season could be sap.

Q: then the place there was zun amber could be another material spot?
R: Exactly!


Ulukyn (Dev)
However, adding extra and leaving the PVP zone will not be enough to make it THE conflict zone for all lovers of combat. That's why the GD team has made many proposals to add PVP gameplay. So much so that we had to sort them out and put several aside, all very interesting ideas.
The idea retained is that of the Drop Zones. We will make involving the players in 2 phases of playing. A long sentence where players will have to go periodically during short periods of games in the Nexus in order to make actions that will supply the Drop Zones of their choice with resources. Then a second phase, very short, when the players will have to recover these resources in order to gain points while the others will try to prevent them from them.
The idea of the two phases being to allow everyone to participate, either periodically, without forcing them to go there every day in the first place. And in a second time, as a punctual event, the motivated to go all to Nexus for an epic fight.
I can't say any more because the GD team is now working on the further design of each phase.


Ryzom Team Manager
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Last visit Donnerstag 9 Mai 12:08:30 UTC

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