Level Tracker

Oooooh I love this one. Having a number to look at for progress down the multiple decimal points is always better than eyeballing it.

Thank you for your efforts and contributions, Moniq. :)

Thank you :)

URL is (not ryzom related) and it's saying "Please enter your character name and your password" and there is no SSL.

Right way to do this would be just to redirect users to login via and since it's using pseudonymized personal data I would use atleast LetsEncrypt. (Like BunnyTools!)

I disabled all SSL again some time ago because it's still not properly working IG (or was it solved already?). But good point, I will send the login request to HTTPS, this will work. However, this way to authenticate should be the last, you should always start the application from your HOME (Shift+W, where it is installed.

There will be probably no SSL ever for this server while it's only for testing and never supposed to run anything in production. I will move all to small virtual server and buy a domain to use with later, I expect to close all hosting anyway. Too few domains for too big agenda because of GDPR.

The app icon is different from other icons, easy to find. Level's are precise and way faster to check than taking phone and launching ryztools, nice app! (Very useful for my personal needs, no need to click 20 times to see what exactly are my current branch levels while crafting 0)

Ooh, teaser into a future app in said customization settings? Bag app?

Soon, need to fix some issues with item stats. In fact, bag cache update is in testing for some time, now it finally looks usable. I needed to release updates to start getting new data of your bags to see if it works properly. It will be release in about a month, for Level Tracker it will bring some more features.
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Last visit Thursday, 9 May 18:18:26 UTC

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