An OP for Phaedreas Tears

I am just a lowly f2p, who has only been on Atys for a few years. If I am speaking out of term, my apologies.

Using an other world's comparison [ooc]D&D chaotic/neutral good alignment[/ooc], my direction in life has been freedom and flexibility, without being arbitrary and irresponsible, and aide where possible.
In another world [ooc]libertarianism[/ooc], my core principles are autonomy while choosing to help others.

To me, the very nature of a ranger requires to cull mobs when necessary for their own benefit, yet defend the innocent where possible.

As a Ranger, I am not sworn to pacifism.

I am to remember, preserve, service, diligence, tolerance, and balance. In all these the implied tension is there, which was there with Oflovak Rydon, and it will be there for us.

We are not asked or even suggested to roll over like a yubo waiting for the knife to cut our throats.  We can and should defend ourselves.

What teaching do we leave to the weak if we just roll over? Do we teach them that the only way is to be slaughtered? Look at all animals on our lands.

Even the weakest will stand up to giants and defend themselves when attacked.

I do not know the right answer to the OP situation as I am not privy to all the details.

[edit:spell, correction, clarification]
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