Gameplay de recrutement des gardes régionaux

The idea is not to primilary add PvP content in the game. The idea is to transfer the security of the lands to players.
Well, it certainly sounded that way to me (obviously). I think in part it sounded that way because there is no problem with the "security" of Loria. The Kitins and the beasts therein provide a significant barrier. The Outposts may be fought over, but that is the business of the guilds involved.
"You would lose most people."
It's exactly because of this mentality that the game is stuck in a status-quo and don't move.
I'm not sure what you mean here. Unless you can show me a massive population of players who would be entranced by a monthly grind to produce resources to "maintain peace" in the outlying areas, then any loss of players is a bad thing.
" would totally change the nature of the game! "
Maybe collecting mats to fight the goo/build tower defense in Thesos is also against the nature of the game then.
No, it is not, for two reasons:
1. Collection of mats for a limited time to build a single (or even multiple) objects has been an important aspect of the game since before the Temple Wars.
2. Such projects are not a monthly continuing occurrence such as you proposed. They can be done (or not done) and then the event is over.
You are talking about "dappers" and "short-cycle" as blockers and then it's 'NO'. My opinion is: you read PvP and then you closed the discussion.
You would be wrong. I am against expansion of non-consenual PvP, not against PvP itself (also a long standing part of the game in PR and in OP battles). However, I am also against anything that makes the game more of a grind than it already is, especially accumulation of dappers, which for newbies is very slow. The new people are the ones who need the q100 and q150 areas (they very, very, quickly outgrow the q50 areas because they are staying so long in Silan).
And maybe instead of opening the zones to PvP, we can think about something based on the same models as patrols in PR, I don't know. Or you can also imagine that, instead of the nation, it's the OP owner which is responsible for the zone etc etc there is many interesting possibilities that can be discussed on this topic.

I agree that the game needs enhanced content, but in my opinion it must be balanced, with reward appropriate to the effort, and within the Lore.  If, for instance, there is a sudden resurgence of the Kitins of the Depths in Loria, there needs to be a background reason for them to act that way, and a problem that can be solved to remove the threat.  The Kitin Patrols in Prime Roots are there because the Kitins regard the Roots as theirs.  They are also the source of continual complaint and irritation because of how they have been implemented, but that is a different conversation.

I note that the Event Team has been working on doing more in terms of events, and that the Marauders have been influencing them (i.e. attacking players when Marauder interests would seem to be threatened, or cooperating with other players when it is to the Marauders advantage).  That seems to me to be a good thing.

With respect,


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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