Gameplay de recrutement des gardes régionaux

but if players have to pay for guards, players arent going to like it. If you offer them something for the same content, it might work better.

Players would pay for their protection, for being safe. Why would they not like it ? Of course there could be some rewards too if you invest yourself a bit, why not, good idea there !
Open PvP isnt very good idea imo, there is players who love it and there is others who hate it. Sandbox should work for both (just my opinnion, like everything I write lol). However adding more PvP content is good idea (as long as when I'm tired/afking/digging, I can be just PvE dig, craft and kill myself with gas xD).

Actually, same anwers as before, if you help the land by digging, paying npc patrols, hunting, you would make the land safe and NO PVP ." Power to player" one thing that you will probably not find in another game..
tl;dr Punishing people for not doing PvP isnt making anyone want to do it, encouraging them with reward could.

Already answered at the beginning. And btw, even if ppl won't pay for guards they would probably be safe most of time.. but it would add some content and another way for you guys to get some rewards..
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