Fyros, the four pillars, and dignity

If I understand this correctly, You are upset because now they demand you lay down your 'weapons' before entering the assemblies?

(OOC, why would you want to quit over that Daomei? Maybe it is important roleplay for you, Idk, but there is many many frustrations in Ryzom, most keep me playing, working hard to overcome whatever obstacles get in my way. That makes the game challenging and actually.... FUN.
In my experience, i wanted to actually be a Kara follower, but after the server merge, somehow ended up in a Kami guild which I could not stand the idea of being one, so I bacame a Ranger aspirant as a compromise. I have suffered this fate, but will not leave the guild to live that roleplay because i love the guild, it is my home. I really wanted to play the kara role in all its glory, snobbishness and perceived superiority of others, etc. just for fun. XD I will probably never play that roleplay now, but i continue to play the game, because well.... I love it!)
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