Technischer Support

Constant Connection Failed - If you have just left the game....blah blah

well I was able to get in on a couple of the accounts but when I went to swap characters the client locked up, now getting the connection failed again.

3 hours of my life wasted trying to get connected.

Ping and traceroute are clean, no firewall, no settings have been changed on my router other then rebooting it. Computer is the same as the last few days of playing.

ping ex.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=12 ttl=47 time=180 ms

ran it for 10 minutes no burps or lag, ping ran 170-190ms, no packet loss.

oh and all clients patched fine yesterday and all accounts were logged in and playing in the last 3 days.

Take care all.
Zeige Thema
Last visit Donnerstag 9 Mai 02:40:04 UTC

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