
Information about the owners?

Tamarea is the representative of all the teams working on Ryzom (dev, animation...). So, by experience, I know that, unfortunately, often she's very very busy. Therefore, what I suggest you is to take contact with CSR. (Type "/who gm" in your chat window to known who is on line.) CSRs can help you to know more about how and who contacting people in the teams.

She is not asking about Ryzom Forge or Ryzom Team but about the owner of the game. RF & RT are mainly volunteers, they don't own the game.
The question is more like how to contact vl, and Tamarea is the best chance for it. I don't think any CSR has contact with people behind.
So yes, Tama.
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Last visit Tuesday, 4 June 10:26:16 UTC

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