
le 2h - Quinteth, Germinally 11, 1st AC 2595

By decision of the Viscountess of the good city of nya Karan Stevano:
the census of Avalae residents was ordered.
We want everyone to know his name and qualities:
    the Filirae Guilds residing in the city
    The Filira e Filirae having their neighborhoods in Avalae
    The Matis Guilds
    the subjects of the matis kingdom residing there.
    Foreign Guilds
    the foreigners residing there.

In advance we thank you for the diligence of your replies.
| .name | Filirae | Matis subjects | Kara |
| _____ | _____ | ____________ | ____|
| _____ | _____ | ____________ | ____|
| _____ | _____ | ____________ | ____|
| .name | Filirae | Matis subjects | Kara |
| _____ | _____ | ____________ | ____|
| _____ | _____ | ____________ | ____|
| _____ | _____ | ____________ | ____|


En charge des fonctions de vicomtesse d'Avalae
Valyenae di Karan-valyenind e Aiyae di Lumnimae --o§O§o-- Gardienne du Royaume et Bénie de La Mère
Le nec ne nacharaias ilne! --o§OoO§o-- Tu ne me chassera plus jamais!
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