Enumerating the reasons why we can't fly.

The game is not and will never be designed for OOC stuff like that.
There is far much thing to take in mind than you think and making a post like that here won't really help you figure it out that easily.

Game design is a job on it's own and stuff like that will take much more brainstorming and experience than a forum post can really give.

Most of game that "allow" flying rarely offer a real flying stuff and are made from the ground with it in mind.

If you really want stuff like that you should better thing about starting your own game.

Ryzom is mainly made with roleplay in mind not stuff that just seam "cool", for that there is a lot of game which offer it.

Swimming should be more something we could think for ryzom, since it's something than was planned.

Adding jump/fly on ryzom and it's game over.

Even mounted fight could be a better idea to add something new.
Or making use of all the already made magic animation, facial animation for emote making mont more interresting against teleporter,
making all those planned stuff like training, taming, painting, cooking, fishing, resistance training, submarine fight and exploration, ...

But clearly all those stuff are just to much step forward, there is more work to do that would unstuck thing for ryzom core but that aren't directly adding visible stuff in game but still are needed before really be able to think about big gemaplay change, like cleaning the code or making asset workflow more viable.

And for the topic the main reason would be that karavan would not allow that to happen and would probably just kill people stealing tech they won't share and kami would just don't care about homin having cool gadget.

And don't forget the primary ennemy of gamedesign: players.
Fly will as everything else be using to destroy game mechnic and cheat.
And that is something you have to keep in mind when thinking about stuff like that if you don't want all your effort be wasted in a blink of an eye.


Les rêveries du yubo flaneur
The musings of the rambling yubo
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Last visit Freitag 10 Mai 17:21:12 UTC

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