Collecting your interface woes

Reallocdev (arispotle)
Dear players,

I would like to collect your feedback on the user interface, so we can work at making it better.

Please reply here to let me know:

- what you like about it

The possibility to create your own actions is quite nice. Never seen it anywhere else.
- what you hate about it
  • mouse-only navigation. There is no way to target with keyboard, pickup with keyboard, gather with keyboard. This is the reason I never reached the maximum free level in WoW and this is the reason I will probably not play Ryzom either.
  • resources are mysterious green globs. There is no way to tell what you are gathering which is kind of lame and annoying. This may be a game mechanic decision but it is an ui issue in the end as well. It does not even make sense. You cannot really gather something without knowing what it is. If you gather bark then you must have peeled bark and not chipped off shell pieces.
  • The 'radar' is very hard to read. You really need both the map and the 'radar' to make any sense of anything. At least on the tutorial island the map is small enough to have it open all the time but until you figure out how to use these two together there is no way to get anywhere.
- what functionalities you would like to see added.
- what functionalities you never use
Those I do not know exist. There are probably quite a few. There is no in-game tutorial about the controls.


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Last visit Mittwoch 5 Juni 11:33:50 UTC

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