Fame tracker

What I am saying is the oppotunity to select what you "wanna see"  and what you "don't want to see" would I think greatly increase its usefullness.   A "less is more" kinda thing.  Some folks would want to see all and more. But other info may be considered of no value and user might prefer a "less busy" screen.  And there will be times when one wants more info, but as that's rare,m betetr that it's not the default

Speaking from my own PoV,...

-If I could "hide" the colored bars, I would
-I would like some of the information to disappear, w/o having to navigate to another screen to make it happen
-I would like to be able to turn off the column that tells me what fame my toon had when I first started oh so long agao :) .

Not that it isn't useful information .. when starting out for example, I likely would have left some of those "unhiddden" for  a bit ... but after a while, if i could, all I'd want to see is:

1. Tribe
2. Current Fame
3. What i got from tribes in last 8 minutes between saves ... if clicking on that would bring up drop down, to show "since log in" but not if it costs me another column on screen.  What I did last Wednesday, I dont want to see on a dat to day basis ... but if sum1 asked... how much did ya get for that fame mission we did last week, to be able to retrive it with a few clicks would be super cool.

4. If clicking the tribe would bring up the map with a dot where they are, that would be super cool :)

So, not suggestion you take anything out, and again its not a criticism.  I am saying that the option to hide columns would make it more useful the way I approach fame grinding.  If the option made it into next version, I would show just those 3 columns 99% of the time so I can access and absorb what I want to focus on that much quicker.

Ahh here's a good example that just came to mind.  A TV guide that shows all 512 channels that can watch is a good thing .. when in the mood, I can broswe thru it and see if there is anything else I may wanna add to my service.  But if I only have 20 channels, browsing to find out what channel "the game is on" is harder than it needs to be if I gotta scroll thru 492 channels that i don't have

It must have been monumental effort to program it to go out and get all that stuff.  But a clean UI has value also, which is why so may program windows show a few key elements on screen by default (aka clean screen) and **if you want more info"", it is accessible thru the "More Info" button.


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Last visit martes 4 junio 04:58:16 UTC

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