Discussion around "Ryzom moves to Freemium model announcement!"

Mcero, maybe the hopes are in vain, who knows.

But I am sure of total failure when "improvements" consists in "fight" (lutte) against the playstyle of fellow players and crusade against their way to play and enjoy the game. Personally, I would leave the game when alt interaction were banned, and I am sure not few others would do as well.

F2p (or freemium) cannot do everything. They have but one mektoub (mount), cannot access guild or room inventories.

The limits you are citing are partially apparently wrong, partially if true, only applying to previously subbed master players who unsubbed. I cannot verify any of your allegations, so prove them. If true, I would consider them bugs or omissions.

So prove your point or stop spreading rumours.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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