Discussion around "Ryzom moves to Freemium model announcement!"

You seem not to understand. If I (or Diwu for that case) with my lvl250 in all 5 ecos harvest, no matter which quality from 1..250, I get 0xp (not even 5 or 9 xp like a lvl 160..249 digger harvesting mat below her skill at q150 or lower). Any CPer in team would get exactly as much, namely 0xp. This is same from my perspective as a subbed player as from that of a f2p player.

Btw, "freemium" or f2p is not equal (!=) lvl 1..125, as there are not few player characters who are subbed from lvl 1 on (e.g. all up to 4 character slots of a subbed account which have not been developped simultaneously). That players who unsubbed do not get xp above lvl 125 is trivial.

Btw. digging q1 is very hard, just as a remark :)

so your saying if theres a team of 2 diggers, 1 is lvl 250 and 1 is a freemium at lvl 90, the freemium doesn't get xp from the q150 thats being dug?
ifso then i didn't know that, but thats an xp problem not a q150 as cap problem. the fix would need to be enabling q150 worth of xp for the lvl 90.
if the lvl250 wants to do content with his freemium lvl90 friend he has to be content with playing at the lvl 90's content lvl, only makes sense to me.
or convince his friend to sub. you cannot expect the game to make an exception for the subbers sake.

"hey devs, i met this lvl1 guy that came from silan right away, i like him hes my friend, can you not make the rules apply to him to we can play together at my level content, k thnx"

anyone higher then lvl 125 who is unsubbed is also considered a freemium i know, but if that person wants to play content higher then 125 he has to sub, simple as that.
freemium = the content 1to125, want to play higher content you have to sub. if your already 160 and want to play 170 content, you have to sub.
126-250 is subber content.


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Last visit Sunday, 9 June 08:51:28 UTC

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