Discussion around "Ryzom moves to Freemium model announcement!"

Magez: Maybe you don't get it but it is insulting to call other players dishonest. And you have no right to judge that way. You have no data whatsoever about who is criticizing the change for their own gain (which is not illegitimate at all), for the sake of f2p players, or for the sake of the players' community as a whole. Personally, I could care wet shit about f2p CPers being nerfed as my CP (or the one I am CPing for) is fully subbed, and Spirit of the Bark like me (so I accepted low level CPers only for instruction purposes as they cannot gain xp when CPing for me, only by prospecting).

Next: It is ridiculous to expect that digging masters who are in need of q250 mats will accept digging q150 mats. And those still leveling at lvl 160 and above would get some 5 or 9 xp per digging for q150 mat which would render digging xp worthless for both the higher level digger and the freemium CPer, even if the higher level digger would accept to dig q150. It seems to me that you are completely unaware about what you are speaking about. It is complete nonsense that "the freemium is completely fine" with getting no xp.

You simply haven't understood relevant parts of game mechanics and are speaking out somewhat too loud for that. Sorry to have to say that.

nowhere in your example is a new freemium player, freemium = 1-125 and such a person would get xp from a master digging q150.
an 1-125 would also love q150 mats, as those are mats higher then the highest thing they can craft, the highest freemium crafting skill is craft130, as such those mats are useful to them and as such they will be glad to have a master dig q150 with them. (whether the master likes q150 or not is irrelevant)

someone at 160 that stopped subbing wouldn't receive xp anywhere cept sub-125 skills. does the 160 want better mats then sub, does a 125 want better mats then sub.
what you want is for the 160 to still get his lvl mats when a 125freemium helps him, but thats not the freemiums player problem, its the 160's problem.

you keep looking at it from a subber perspective, for a new player 1-125 is all there is, q1 to q150 is all there is.
and thats fine, none of the rules effect him/her.


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Last visit Sunday, 9 June 14:21:41 UTC

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