Discussion around "Ryzom moves to Freemium model announcement!"

I know this is late, but I will add to the list of people saying the modification to careplanning should be reversed :)

Someone fresh off Silan with level 20 harvest skill could be level 50 in a few hours of digging with a master. This is my favorite go-to method to powerlevel guild members (and not only) -- instead of letting them get frustrated with their puny prospection skills.

lets be honest here, only subbed players use a freemium alt for careplanning, lets us not be disillusioned and claim that theres hordes of independant freemium players going around helping subbed players.
be truthful and just say outright that you want to the change reversed because it affects personal interests of the subbed players. (myself included no offence)

the powerleveling of 'real' freemiums isn't effected much by pre-150, they will still get a load of xp at the q150cap for the main digger. if you powerlevel them to the freemium cap, whats there to do for them? stop playing or pay? imo thats hurting the freemiums. if they cant even level to 125 without being handheld what they gunna do when they sub?

tho whether reversing it is a good thing for the livespan of ryzom or not, i'd say yes it is, that change doesn't effect freemiums at all, what? worried freemiums help a subbed and get 50% of the q250 mats with which they cant do much cept degrade crafting or waste the quality potential?

im all for reversing it, i already find foraging dreadfully boring and takes longer to level then other skills even WITH a careplanning alt, with this change im never going to forage ever again.
And certainly not going to sub an alt solely for careplanning while said alt can still heal just fine without.


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Last visit Sunday, 9 June 01:49:50 UTC

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