Code of conduct part about owning mob spawns

Common courtesy dictates that if there are plentiful mobs in a particular area then there are enough to share. Common sense dictates that the quicker a spawn is killed, the sooner they respawn and the sooner everyone can go back to gaining XP. Combine those two and the end result is that some of the popular spawns (particularly Cratchas and Kinchers in Void) actually go better (more XP/hr) with two homins/teams sharing a spawn. Of course, it should go without saying that it's polite to ask, but it's seldom that you'll be told "No" without good reason except by the sort of people you really don't want to be anywhere near in the first place.

"First come, first served" is not only the official rule, but also good manners. The fact that some people cannot be bothered to adhere to either the unwritten rules of polite society or the Laws of Atys (the CoC) does not mean that the written rules should be changed to benefit the sociopaths. It only means that there needs to be stricter enforcement.

So I say no, keep that part of the CoC as-is. The only time it ever becomes relevant is when someone is acting in a manner that deserves some CSR/GM sanctions anyways.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

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Last visit mercredi 8 Mai 13:04:16 UTC

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