Ideas about fame and how to improve while respecting all players playstyles

Hey Gidget

A good system in my eyes here is meant to keep everyone enterrained without harming or seriously hindering anyone
It would have to be puprosely designed to not be zero-sum

That said, this is entirely possible.

1) mild and moderate rewards (if you're gonna put in the work it can't be only mild, if the idea passes, but nothing to break anyone, its a perk not a giant wall :P)

2) in my idea you'd still (being any fame you are right now) be able to access these mild and moderate perks of whoever you wanted as long as you met certain conditions 

I realise this may piss some people off but it's a legitimate role play option
Should I not be able to convince people, and a faction, that I am somewhat or very loyal to.. 2? 3? 4?

Of course a good system will make this next to impossible (for example, the chances of undoing progress on fame2 are higher if you try to take on something like that - but perhaps you make a good effort to balance everything, and you're quite a good spy so you pull it off)

You could be casual and get in on this, you may find you're intrigued enough to go a bit deeper.
I'll have more time to detail an "if then if then" outlook on it in a few days

We completely ignore our factions and we still keep our friendships in our guilds (nomads) we utilise all the benefits of all the guilds and have no penalities , and I can sweet talk my way into most materials (sorry but it's true and relevant lol)

I would very much enjoy some fair consequences for something more interesting than the boring system we have now that makes people shun each other for "doing it wrong" (be it, being too into it, or being not into it enough, or rolling our eyes at both of those sides)


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