Support Technique

Deja Vu All Over Again

This happens not to often but often enough to be annoying:

1. Log in to find a patch .... apply the patch, game is relaunched and the game window has shrunk to 1024 x 768. Not to hard to reset to desired but dragging windows back to where they all were is annoying. Any way to fix this .. permanently.

2. System crashed, pope the crash e-mail windows, wants you to Quit, Ignore etc. You go to restart and it wants to download a patch of 0.0 MB. Just did that, actually still going that and I'm watching it download all the December patch stuff from December 23rd with new Atysmas stuff. Why is this happening and how does one stop it ?

3. It then tells me that it wants to migrate me from 2.1 to 3.0 when I was already on 3.1 to begin with and have been since the getgo. I assume I have been converted to the non single folder installation ?

Well I uninstalled, cleared the PC of all things Ryzom and reinstalled in single folder ... but still would like to know why 1 happens frequently and how to avoid it and what happened w/ 2 and 3


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Last visit vendredi 3 Mai 15:40:05 UTC

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