Version 3.0 - Disconnects Disconnects Disconnets

I was reading the topic as my sisters experience lag and trees mooving trouble in the game, and i wanted just to react on nume's trouble and installation process under linux.

I'm on a standard debian jessie 64, and i: just download and extract the latest corresponding kervala's beta client, on a dedicated "ryzom" folder just created in my user home (~/ryzom), and then, after allowing the to be executed, i just launch it.

it then "patch, patch, and patch"^^ and i'm able to play.

To get my interface back (for new install on another computer), i just copy my backuped save directory files in the ~/ryzom/save folder.

thats just it and whenever a crash mess every thing up (sound activated crash does on my computer), i just click on the ryzom_client_patcher

if it helps other linux user
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Last visit Monday, 3 June 22:36:28 UTC

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