Version 3.0 - Disconnects Disconnects Disconnets

Each time I start the game I have to go into /home/user/.ryzom and right click on ryzom_client. The reason being for that is I had installed Steam previously and the launch icon (even when I have made the shortcut from inside the .ryzom folder) defaults to the Steam client. So, I have to start the native ryzom client from inside .ryzom.

You need to remove old ryzom icon or menu item. Make sure steam does not recreate it. Then you should be able to recreate icon.
If you running from custom directory (.ryzom under home), then make sure ryzom_client and ryzom_configuraton_qt active directory is set to /home/user/.ryzom (avoid ~ shortcut for home)

You can run ryzom_client from any directory you want, but in that case, client makes /home/user/.local/share/Ryzom folder automatically to hold user specific stuff (config, keys, screenshots, etc).

Ryzom does not use /home/user/.ryzom anymore and defaults are:
/home/user/.local/share/Ryzom/ryzom_live -- program files and data
/home/user/.local/share/Ryzom/0 - user specific stuff when using '-p 0' argument for ryzom_client

And if you forgot the -p 0 argument, then user files can be found in /home/user/.local/share/Ryzom

Sounds complicated, but ryzom_installer_qt is used to manage and hide all that from user.

I have had to edit client_default.cfg. That is to change "Auto" to 1 for OpenGL. Which at the end of every patch gets rewrote back to Auto.
Use ryzom_configuration_qt to make out of game changes (game must be closed).


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Last visit Donnerstag 9 Mai 23:10:05 UTC

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