Mise à jour des clients Ryzom Linux en 3.0 (14/10/2016)

Linux version of Ryzom Installer has been made available on (just click on Linux logo to download it).

You'll get a ryzom_installer_linux.tar.bz2 to uncompress, it'll create a ryzom_installer_linux directory with 32 and 64 bits versions of Installer and a script that'll launch the right Installer depending on your platform :)

Choose where you want to install Ryzom data and client (by default in ~/.local/share/Ryzom), wait until it downloaded and uncompress all files.

If you want to use your interfaces, configurations, etc... you just need to copy them to ~/.local/share/Ryzom/0

If you have error 307 message, just download :
- _data.7z/download
- _client_linux32.7z/download
- _client_linux64.7z/download

Good patch/game and if you have any problem, don't hesitate to come on #ryzom on Freenode :)

You should have "Ryzom Installer" and "Ryzom (Atys)" entries in your applications menu.

If Ryzom doesn't want to start, you may need to install OpenAL on your distribution (you can check that by trying to launch it using command-line).

To start Ryzom (and use your first profile) from command-line, you can use : ~/.local/share/Ryzom/ryzom_live/ryzom_client -p 0


Kervala - Ryzom volunteer developer - Working on different clients

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