Техническая поддержка

For those who only see white :)

If you are haviing a graphics issue and dont see colors or all white it is an easy fix.. (believe me I did it)

Open the Ryzom file on your computer, open the ryzom_configuration_qt_r file.
Open "Display" and change yours to Direct3D. Then boot from the bottom right button back to the game.

I LOVE color :)



"The master in the Art of Life does not distinguish much between his work and his play, his work and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his recreation, his love and his religion. He barely distinguishes which is which. Simply, he perceives his vision of excellency in everything he does, leaving others to decide if he is working or playing. To his own eyes, he is always doing both."

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Last visit Понедельник, 6 Мая 10:48:04 UTC

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