
L'inconfort de l'indifference des GMs

I would recommend you /who gm and talk to a GM online, and, send in a support ticket in-game

I have worked in customer service and the like for many years, shit happens, we must be the part of the solution not the problem

You need to try to contact again BEFORE 40 days BEFORE you get too angry.

Sometimes emails can be missed, sometimes replies can be sent and not received, sometimes there are legitimate issues.

I'm sorry you do not have your title but understand this...

The event team is volunteer, and your contact with ryzom as far as I know, did not include this title, this was something nice that was suggested and approved (for all I know, BY the volunteer team and players)

Did you write again?
Do it now, that's my advice


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Last visit mardi 4 Juin 18:04:08 UTC

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