
Thank you for the information on progress and explanation Siela.

I went to the Forge meeting although i was a bit late. From past experience, those meetings have lasted a long time, so i expected to have someone at least still be there. However, it must have been a real short one since it was already over and people were gone.That is my fault, I hope they continue to have regularly Monday meetings then.

The Atys games were an unexpected suprise, and I applaud the effort put forth in them. Yes, I was not in any of them, nor did I participate. They are not my sort of thing and I was not interested in them. However, it is commendable!

The events i was talking about and content are things that have been told to us months ago. (Please see above). Things like 'Year long events' for each race, new rites, Also I think there was something about Mek taming. There was a few other things teased at too. I cannot fine the post atm. However, I think Siela has cleared up for me some of my concerns as to the progress, so again I say thanks.
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