
How did you come to know about Ryzom

1. How did you come to know about Ryzom?
My brother played the beta and I got hooked right away when I saw the beautiful world of Atys. Right after subscribing to retail he quit and I inherited his account, which was the beginning of my journey.

2. Have you played any graphics intensive games before?
Ryzom is beautiful, I don't think it's a matter of modern graphics engines or whatnot but rather design.

3. Which OS do you use for Ryzom.
OS X at the moment :)

4. F2P or P2P?
P2P, I see no reason not to pay for something this wonderful.


Denyria - Swinging an over-sized club since September 2004.
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Last visit miércoles 8 mayo 08:54:37 UTC

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