
KipeeCraft pre 1.2 released

I really don't undestand why you don't do a linux/mac version, there are plenty of linux mac users, and wine is not a solution.
I'll have to quote from KC's homepage to explain:

"KC started as a small part time project when I was quite young and new to programming. I learned Turbo Pascal at school (MS DOS, yeha!) and later explored Windows programming with Borland Delphi 5. KC was my first attempt to start a sort of large project and my abilities as programmer grew with the project. This said, there is alot of sourcecode inside which solved problems in a way I would never do today."

Now what does this mean? The program uses many proprietary components from Borland Delphi which aren't available in Lazarus to create a portable version of KC. Back then Ryzom was only available for windows and KC was never written with portability in mind, nor did I know about this issue 10 years ago. The current codebase uses platform specific code, controls and registry calls to get everything working.

Porting this "coding mess", which has grown over 10 years, is futile. KC needs a proper rewrite, a clean start with portability and free components in mind. I would solve many problems differently today and design many features alot more intuitive and user friendly. This said, I don't have the resources at the moment to make a version of a future KipeeCraft which I will be satisfied with.

Keep in mind, a material database and some craft mechanics only make up a small portion of this project's features. I kept adding on to it and I believe it is a very powerful tool for the task. I get asked from time to time, why not release the source and let the community do the rewrite?

I did my best to support the community with databases and tools (RZDB, arcDB, KipeeCraft, Molly's Materials, Molly's Recipes) and articles on Materials, Colors and the Math behind crafting. I'm proud of the results Evolver, Jeweler and Recipes come up with however I don't plan on releasing the code to the public.

I hope this helps to understand it's not a simple recompilation for a different target platform and everything just works out of the box. I personally see KipeeCraft as a useful but dated tool from ~10 years ago, being updated from time to time to fix problems or in this case provide an inspiration for future projects made by future homins.

Everyone is welcome to build new apps for android, iOS and many other platforms. I'm supporting any projects I come across, if time allows.



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Last visit mercredi 12 Juin 01:07:35 UTC

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