
So... What's new?

There is hope!
Although the game is 10+ years old or so, from what I understand, it would take a massive re-write to make a new...well, game, not to mention a lot of money. But..! Within the present game, there is plenty of latitude to add stuff.

Presently, they are working on finalizing the Lore so everything else can follow behind in it. (Also, translating it in English, French, German, Russian and Spanish).

They recently made tools so graphics artists can use a free program called Blender to add graphics and content to the game. It is still being tested I believe, and they are looking for samples to test it with.

They are almost finished with a Matis Rite for the Encyclopedia and are going to do a Tyrker, Fyros and Zorai one also.

They are looking for writers to come up with new missions and ideas for the game, they consider 3 per week and no reasonable request is withheld they told me. (I think the question is if they have the help to implement the ideas). They are looking for volunteers!

Every monday they have Ryzom Forge meetings to discuss progress (See Forums>Ryzom forge for info and link to go to to be in the discussion).

They are going to release this game on Steam so i guess that means more influx of players.

They want to create more ambient music for the game, (Although personally, i wish they would fix the sound problem first, my sound is off so I won't crash)!

hmmm, i know there is other stuff, but basically we are all on one server now, Aniro+Leanon+Arispotle=Arispotle.

There is pvp in the game, not sure if you had it back then.

They are eventually going to add another faction too: Trytonists

They have been consolidating the Wiki

And... are you talking about the Ryzom Ring when you say 'Editor'? Yes, we all mourn the Ryzom Ring, but they did say they may bring back "Pocket worlds," which sounded like the Ring, but nobody is available to work on it atm, so we hope.

I'm sure I will think of more stuff after i end my post here....

And Welcome Back! :D
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Last visit sábado 1 junio 05:46:52 UTC

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