
So... What's new?

Oh, If your last time here was in 2008, then there is a lot of new stuff, it just doesn't show on the maps. They are the same (well, mostly).

Occupations (...) Marauders (...) Rangers (...) economy (...)
Ryzom Forge and increased Player contributions to the game.

Welcome back.

Thanks. :)

So we have more crafting options than before. The Marauders are the 3rd option besides Caravan and Kami, right? Rangers new? Correct me if I'm wrong - but aren't rangers the guys with the guns? I remember those. :) Economy... Okay.

How about "Story content"? When I left the one thing Ryzom was *really* lacking imo was a storyline one could follow by playing quests. I know those still boil down to "go somewhere and get something", but at least they have some added flair. So has something happened in that regard?

Oh, and I remember - back then Ryzom had nothing like what other games call "Dungeons" - places you go and explore in the frame of a quest or so, I guess you know what I mean.

To this day I think that Atys is one of the most unique place in any MMORPG (with 90% of them being your standard Dwarves and Elves and Dragons in the Middle ages - settings) and back then if I recall right word was that of course now that the basic game was set up it would get "stories" as one of the next steps, which then didn't happen, because Nevrax went down.

Has something happened in that regard? Even if not so I sure will play again for some time, if only for old time's sake and to see my old favourite places again, but in my opinion this world always deserved more than "just" to be the platform for harvesting, crafting and pvp (gvg, fvf).

Back when I left the editor for players already was out, but not that much had happened with it yet, but even if it is well used now (I dunno yet ^^) it feels different imo if you get a quest from a character in world or if you chose it from a menu... Does that make any sense? :)
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Last visit Thursday, 13 June 04:42:21 UTC

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