Взаимопомощь GNU / Linux

Now trouble with new linux client (sorry for the fuss)

Thanks, Karu and Icus (and Xiombarg and Bittty of course)


PreDataPath = {
"user", "patch", "examples", "data/fonts", "data/gamedev.bnp"
DataPath = {
"share/ryzom/data", "data"

to client.cfg did the trick.

Usually, I am starting ryzom under one user who has the same (partially more) permissions as the system user games. And as I use to keep ryzom portable (USB media), I am very interested to have all contained in one ryzom folder which also allows to try different versions. I am not so much in modern "user friendly" stuff and use xfce and fluxbox as window managers, with extensive use of xterm and command line.


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