Mutual GNU / Linux

[Fixed] ubuntu 15.10

I wonder if calling them out over social media (e.g. Twitter) would work. They aren't a regular company that cares about "bad" PR due to profits, but still they wouldn't like to be put in a bad light.

At least if they refuse to include Ryzom in the repository, they should state a reason!

That's not really they refused :p But when I send email to a Canonical employee, they don't reply and when I go to IRC Ubuntu channels they redirect me to these emails...

So I didn't succeed to contact a new Canonical staff member :(

Another problem is they still didn't implement something planned since some years now :s

I'll update Ryzom client on PPA since we fixed some bugs and ask them to review new packages using their form.


Kervala - Ryzom volunteer developer - Working on different clients

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