
My alt and me- a simple guide begginer's guide on alt use


1- i make a note about having an amd 6350 at 4200hz cpu... that's six cores running great with 12GB RAM and 2gb gpu... running each ryzom client on separate cores does improve the game overall (benchmarked core speed and temperature, and it does improve enough to be noeticeable)

2-overall the game is poorly improved for newer motherboards and cpu's, sound being a heavy issue, it does differ depending on a LOT of issues

3- best gear is always prefferable, im just talking bare minimum (or in tech lingo required specs)

4- im merely offering suggestions

5- Mjollren... while 2nd bar is great and a must have for mains, of youre thinking of a 2nd bar for alts, then auras and self heals, are a waste of an alts 2nd bars... there are better combinations for that, yet again the guide was thought for f2p alts and new alt users (usually 2nd bar isnt a widepread common use feature)
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Last visit Tuesday, 4 June 13:46:53 UTC

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